Monday, December 15, 2014

All of Me

there there, my love
lay your burden down
i see your wounds
i watch you shield me
from the hurt they cause
shield me no more but 
let me feel, my love
let me in to the dark
i can be an ointment
upon the tattered flesh
of your soul
there is home for you
here here, my love
you walked away but
i went with you
i held you up when 
your bones broke and
your muscles gave way
i pulled you along 
when your feet left
from under you 
i raised your chin
above each new
wave of adversity and 
heartache the world 
saw fit to train you with
i know you are hurting
i feel it too
every compliment 
burns like bourbon
in a bullet hole
for the mouths of those
give them know not the
failures they deride
you haven't failed, my love
not yet
for all your effort and pain
and loss and sleepless nights
my love, you've never really tried
take me with you, my love
do not deny me, my love
use me and lean on my
strength my talent my skill
my passion
is yours
for the taking
i am yours, my love
let me into your darkness
let me light the way
there is so much more
than what you have been
raging against
sleep sleep, my love
let the shade of night
cover your eyes and 
close them to the 
memories you carry
let the cool sheet of 
twilight melt into you
holding your head 
heavy to my lap
dream dream, my love
and when you wake
hold that dream in one hand
and take mine in the other
at daybreak we'll follow
where it leads
and there we will build
our peace

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Found Wanting

That buzzing feeling when that woman walks into the room and all you can think is, "My God...That's what perfection looks like."

That sizzling feeling when she closes her eyes and kisses you as if your very soul were on the surface of your lips. All you can think is, "This is what perfection feels like."

That scorching feeling when she wraps her tender lady fingers around the peak of your neck and the aroma of her skin invades your senses. All you can think is,"This is what perfection smells like."

That hollow feeling when she walks out of the room, out of your life, leaving all her essence behind to indelibly etch her into your memory while the phantom fingers of her hand scar your neck. All you can think is, "This is how long perfection lasts."

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Siren Song

There's only one thing in
this world that can

build you up
tear you down
make you smile
make you frown
give you power
make you weak
make you calloused
turn your cheek
show you light
make life dark
douse your flame
light your spark
kill your dreams
give you hope
move your ass
make you mope
touch your soul
break your heart
end your life
make it start
clear the air
cloud your mind
be in reach
be hard to find
keep you far
hold you close
bring you joy
make you morose

only one thing
that I know
can pull and prod
can ebb and flow
can sweeten dreams
can haunt the dark
can douse your flame
can light your spark
can eat your spirit
can break your nerve
can soothe your body
can quell your verve
can dull your eyes
can gray your hair
is filled with justice
is never fair

is the poison my lips crave

Monday, February 24, 2014

Buried Treasure

if i could wish peace upon you
i'd wish it like a wave
a downy blanket
warm thick and heavy
and delightfully overwhelming

i'd wish it upon you
like sleep upon a child
after a day at the beach
like quiet on the earth on
a moonless night

if i could wish peace upon you
i would
but i can't
peace is already within you
you must reach down inside yourself

reach down through all the
pain and rejection and fear
and broken promises and
unrealized dreams and
ancient loves

dig through the tepid muck
of hatred and heartache
confusion and consternation
the sludge of self-gratification
and entitlement

break apart the frozen crust of
lost innocence and disappointment
and there in the small, quiet
darkness is peace lying still
like a field mouse waiting for spring

if i could wish peace up on you
i would
but peace is already with you
you've learned to bury it
during the long winter of your discontent

i wish you could see that

The Rain

i've read of occurrences
connecting one to all
with time and space and history
encompassed are we all

if only we could see
from beneath the looking glass
everything seen heard and done
effects our future from the past

two day ago I saw it
a butterfly flapped its wings
and the frog that missed its supper
its sad song began to sing

frightening a nearby squirrel
the chaos had begun
changing the course of wind
and weather from rain to sun

a little girl affected by toxins
injected by stings of bees
was playing in her yard quite freely
running and climbing trees

now had that bug not fluttered
and started this chaotic chain
that young girl's heart would still beat now
having been saved by rain

No Where

no where to go
it has to come out
it fills me from the pit
of my stomach
it makes my bones shout

but it's dying
now within me
like a flame under a
mason jar
it longs to be free

it longs to fly
and give itself away
to escape the terrible
nonage and isolation
entrapping men today

it needs to run
and feel the breeze
that is far away from
the confines of ego
that makes it freeze

it desires to encourage
enlighten and engage
with all the love and
energy of souls whose
presence can assuage

alas for all its wants
it does none of these
so rare an occasion
that fans the flame
it leaves us in siege

to be given away to
drink the rain of love
of another is what
my love longs for
yet it falls not from above

so it looks around
but with none to know
settles into its ember
beneath the glass
for it has nowhere to go

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Write Like No One's Reading...

I have fallen into some of the traps and gulfs that I once told myself I would never fall into. I have failed, pitied myself, hated others, stolen, lied, and compromised myself, my dreams, and sometimes my values.

I have fought with myself on many of these issues in desperate attempts to bet back on the horse and keep going. Sometimes I have succeeded. Other times...?

One thing that I am proud to say is one on which I have not faulted is gossip. I haven't ever become a gossip, or snitch. I can't even stand the tabloids, TMZ, and other similarly filthy unproductive pieces of "news information."

People who collect these snippets of information regarding people's private lives and hock them to the public ask only one thing in return for this mostly useless piece of trivia, your attention.

Seriously, how many of these "blogs" are out there right now which are people just straining to be noticed because of the information they have about someone other than themselves?

You might be asking yourself at this point, "isn't this a little hypocritical?" I might agree, if I had a readership. Although, if I did, I wouldn't write about the things of which I am griping. It might also be hypocritical if I wanted attention. I don't. I don't care if anyone reads this. I simply didn't have any other place to write tonight. So here it is. My private thoughts on my private page.

Weather people read it or not, it's for me. Just for me.

Write like no one's reading
Sing like no one's listening
Dance like no one's watching

I have read and heard this things a thousand times before. Now it just means be yourself, for yourself, and for no one else. If that's true then all this posturing, all this "Top Spaces" social media means what exactly?

Seriously...because if you ARE reading this, you still may not know me at all.