Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Examiner Readers and Huffington Post Readers CAN Agree!

Jason McCool posted the following link: Click Here!

I read the whole article and was surprised and pleased to hear someone speak the same why that I do to people on both sides of the isle. Please review it and place your comments if you like. My comment (omegahil) is below along with a rebuttal to an individual who is most likely on my side of the isle. :)

FIRST LEVEL COMMENT omegahill | 30 minutes ago
The faith of a politician should be lived out in dignity and humility. I am disappointed by slings, arrows, and insults being hurled by people who profess the faith ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISLE! The application of a Congressman's faith should be in quite reflection and prayer before casting a vote, before opening his mouth, before signing a document, and certainly before calling someone out of hand with no basis of scripture to support his claim.

I appreciate the author's direct yet gentle challenge of correction to Santorum. There really ought to be a movement of Christians determined to live the life apart from trying to make others do the same. It's God himself who leads us by cool waters and makes us lie down by green pastures, not the church or the politicians.

I consider myself a republican and a conservative, but I appreciate this critique, and I agree. Perhaps this is just another indication that the leaders of this country are NOT accurately representing the left and the right appropriately. I pray that more dialogue like this and more connections across the isle will change the behavior of our leaders.

In the meantime, please review this brief study about the "talking donkey." There IS a bit more to this story than most speculators are willing to seek out. Thanks for this commentary I hope to see more like this in HuffPost.

FIRST LEVEL COMMENT 2_amazed | 46 minutes ago
Now, I am NOT saying that President Obama is to blame for all the outrageous debt that we as a nation have incurred, ALL who have served in Washington—presidents and congressmen, both Democrats and Republicans—over the course of decades have created this mess.

However we, the people, are also to blame for not knowing enough about the Constitution to challenge the unconstitutional spending that has long gone on. We’ve allowed ourselves to be lulled into a false sense of security and have allowed someone else (the politicians) to play the ‘expert’ and this is the result. The Constitution was not designed to create a mega government that is all things to all people and supports cradle to grave care. I don’t know about you, but I can barely afford gas for my car, and I surely can’t afford to continue to support the government’s spending of my income. I give to charity on my own.

I don’t mind supporting a safety[net] for those that fall on hard times, but not generational support, and I do mind giving money for wasteful spending—of which there is much. We need to elect leaders today who will have the courage to refuse to incur even one more dollar in debt. We need to stop the spending. We are robbing our children and grandchildren of the blessing of liberty in order to fund the reckless spending of government today.

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omegahill | 0 minutes ago
I agree about many of the economic policies. But standard economic theory states that a government ought to restrict public sector spending and divert it to social and private enterprises in order to create sustainable income. Clinton did this. But a government cannot sustain this during wartime.

We ran into problems when during that government draw down, we privatized military operations. So when we had a need for military men and woman, we had neither capital nor human resources to mount a defense or commensurate retaliation. That's why we randomly dropped bombs. It's a combination of two administrations who ran to complete opposite sides of the boat. And the momentum capsized the country.

Right now, Obama IS trying to do the most sound economic thing; however, he cannot do it while we are still in conflict. That is why he is failing. He policies work best only at a time of peace. He's been trying to please too many people at one time. We could have saved trillions if we'd fired the private sector war-profiteering companies, and began redirecting those funds TOWARD our military.

They would have provided the training, facilities, personnel, weaponry, and resources at a much lower cost than Halliburton and any of those other private contractors. [The also would have been providing skills and longevity to enlisted men an women who'd have more incentive to continue serving.]

But this author's arguments are related only to the accusations that a "sinner" is levying against another "sinner." And I believe, if you try to read it again without bias or with the intention of placing blame, you'll likely agree.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A response to "Wacky Bible Stories 2"

A response to "Wacky Bible Stories 2" at

You raise valid questions, unfortunately the answer was before you but you skipped past it.

There are sections of Numbers which, if taken out of context can be INCREDIBLY confusing. God actually did not change His mind, he was allowing Balaam to be exposed and putting Balak in his place.
When the bible says that Balak sent messengers, remember that it also said he sent them with a "divination fee." They wanted to hire Balaam to divine a curse against the people of Israel. Then, like a fool he goes to the God of Israel and asks his permission to to take this money and curse God's people. And God responds, "Do not go with them. You must not put a curse on those people because they are blessed."

So Balaam tells the messengers he cannot. But then they don't just return with distinguished princes, they returned with princes authorized to give more money. Balak wanted to sweeten the pot. Since this money changed Balaam's mind, he hoped it would change God's. Balaam was being greedy.

He WANTED to take that money. God doesn't violate our free will, but he WILL allow any path that we choose against him to be more difficult, and sometimes blocked.

He says, "since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done." Romans 1:28 and Genesis 6:5 "The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time."

So when Balaam asked a second time to curse the people of Israel for money, God tested him, and he failed. He gave him up to his desires and told him to go, and Balaam was happy to be "gettin paper."

The complication here is that now, Balaam has essentially walked away from and turned away from God for the purpose of bringing harm to his people. Ergo, send in the Angel of Lord to defend them. But Balaam eyes and ears had been closed to the truth because of his evil desires and choices.

So God made Balaam to hear the his donkey that could see the Angel to which Balaam had made himself blind. But God will try to reach people even if the animals or rocks have to do the speaking: "You have plotted the ruin of many peoples, shaming your own house and forfeiting your life. The stones of the wall will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will echo it." Habakkuk 2:10-11; "“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”" Luke 19:40. Psalm 148 tells of all the creatures and creations that are made to praise the Lord. Simply put however, the animals have no choice but to do as God commands.

Free will is a right extended only to people. So, if by his very nature, God would cause a sheep to get Moses' attention, or the stones and woodwork of a house to obey Him, if we wanted to get Balaam's attention, who'd been driven mad by money and inconveniences (2 Peter 2:16), then yes, he could and would make a donkey talk, or appear to Balaam as doing so.

Now, about the claim that God never sent him another message, that is false. In fact, God inherently delivers this very same message to Balak that Balaam should have given to the first group of messengers: "Don't put a curse on those people because they are blessed." (Num 22:12); "How can I curse whose whom God has not cursed?" (Num 23:8) But this message wasn't good enough for Balak. He was determined to appease God with sacrifices because he rejected God's word.

But God says "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. (1 Sam 15:22) But this was already told to us in the story of Cain and Abel: "In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD. But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering," (Gen 4:4)

So Balak was trying to buy off the Lord God against His people. Instead of obeying Him, seeking Him or trusting Him, Balak tried to turn to divination and bribery and brought Balaam down with Him. They tried this bribery 5 times, and each time the Lord gave Balaam a message for Balak. "God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind...I have received a command to bless, he has blessed, and I cannot change it."(Num 23:19-20) "May those who bless you be blessed, and those who curse you be cursed!" (Num 24:9b)

And so Balaam blessed the Israelite people three times. This made Balak furious and he ordered him to go home with none of the financial compensation he'd promised. Now Balaam responds by saying even if you gave me all your silver and gold, I can do nothing but what the Lord commands. And then Balaam delivers a prophecy of Yeshwah the Messiah (Num 24:17, cross reference Mt. 2:2) and a second message about the coming victory over Amelek.

So, as you can see, God put both Balak and Balaam through the fire. He gave Balaam multiple opportunities to be obedient and stand on His word. Then he gave Balak an opportunity to be obedient and understand that he could neither curse nor defeat those whom God called blessed and victorious. The donkey speaking was merely to get Balaam to wake up to the sin of covetousness and greed which he'd committed in his heart by desiring Balak's prizes over the Word of God.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Random Thoughts

I wonder...The name Jehova Rafa is one of the titles of God which in Hebrew means God the Healer, or God is my Healer. All derivatives of this name include Raphael, Raphaela, and Rafael, which is Hebrew for "God heals us" or "God has healed." I wonder then, is it for those of us bearing this name that we might be under the process of constant distress and healing so that the name might be proven true? With a name as old as mine, has the meaning and power survived the centuries? Is a rose still a rose if called by another name? Does a name made one's fate? If so, can fate be changed apart from the name? #randomthoughts #braincramps #weirdmorning