Monday, December 20, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stand at the Ramparts...

My friend posted a thread on facebook. The main post said, "So "Pastor" Terry Jones says that burning the Koran is justified because Islam is a "violent and deceptive religion." Interesting, considering the Bible urges people to "put Sabbath day desecrators to death" and encourages Christians to "love your neighbor as you love yourself" in the same book."

But she is my friend, and when my friends say something potentially damaging to themselves and others, I am compelled to say something in love. Please take your time to read it and comment. Thanks!


I love you girl...but please be careful regarding what and how you teach from scripture. While Mosaic law required the stoning of a Sabbath violator, it was the Pharisaical ideology that perverted the intent of the Lord in creating the Sabbath.

They had/have no true concept of what the Lord means regarding work and worship. They understood it as a command, but the intent of the command came from God's heart in knowing the faults of his people and their tendency to idolatry. (Read Ex 31:14 and compare with John 7:23. Then check out Numbers 15:30-36 and compare with Luke 4:29 and John 8:7.) This is why Jesus, while creating the New Covenant, performed miracles and acts of service even on the Sabbath.

In the Old Testament, under the old covering of Mosaic Law, God chose to set his chosen people apart for the purpose of creating a path for salvation for ALL people, an acceptable sacrifice for all sins and all peoples. Which is why he commanded the stoning of those would would DELIBERATELY violate His will and command. (See Numbers 15:30-36 again, also see Hebrews 10:26) He also commanded them to stay pure and undefiled, just as He later commanded Joseph and Mary (Matthew 1) and the followers of Jesus Christ (James 1:26 and 2 Corinthians 6:14 - 7:1). These themes are not about segregation out of contempt for our brothers and neighbors, it's about maintaining the condition of our hearts and spirits in accordance with how God has designed each of us to function within his will. He even had this intention in the Old Testament. The person who unknowingly violates the Sabbath is not subject to death, but correction (See Numbers again). Truly, what this means is what's found in Hebrews 10:26.

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." - James 1:27

And when we look at this in the context of the two commandments that Jesus gave to us, which we can see do not in anyway contradict the original 10 commandments, we can see why the parallel that you drew in your comment about what the Bible says in the two different places is dangerous. Commandments No. 1 and 2 - Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.' And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." - Matthew 22:36-40.

Therefore, if we truly love God, we will have no capacity left for self-love and self-righteousness, because we will be filled with His love and His righteousness. In which case, we will love ourselves in the way that God loves us, which is way beyond our own capacity. It is this paradoxical transformation that gives us the true ability exercise pure religion in the way that the Lord expresses in James. Because while many people can do the work of the former part, all will trip on the stumbling blocks of the latter.

The pharisees and Jews of the Old Testament were very good at the former, but poor at the latter. Because of this, they actually never came into a place of spiritual purity that would allow for the absolution of sins through sacrifice - mainly because they should have bloody well known better (Romans 3:23, Heb. 10:26 and Numbers 15). But because of our fundamental inability to avoid sin, God set up, through a long process of suffering and purification, a vessle by which He could pay the ultimate penalty for our sins/crimes against Him. The wages of sin is death, but the bill was paid on our behalf.

Understanding the message of God is more important than being able to quote unsubstantiated partial phrases of scripture for the purpose of drawing erroneous conclusions. I am sharing this with you because the same Bible teaches in James 3 "1Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check." And because the Lord weighs every word that comes from our mouths or pens, understand that you took on the role of a teacher of the Word to someone, and it's a big deal in the long run.

Lastly, about the pastor in Florida. Not every Muslim knows or has heard the Word as I believe it is described in Numbers 15, and because of that, an insult or corporal punishment like that which he is proposing I don't find to be biblical. While I am sure they believe their Koran to be the truth as much as I believe my Bible is, I have to look upon them now not as an unbeliever, but as a Gentile who is as lost as I was as a Gentile. Therefore, there is no harsh treatment to keep us apart or persuade us together. Rather, I share with them twice the Love and Graciousness of God who has said that our works are good enough only for partial religion, but not enough for salvation. But in knowing His own children, he made a way for us to be spared the price of our lack of purity and inadequacy of works. He sacrificed a Lamb on our behalf (Genesis 22:5-14; Exodus 12:5-7; John 1:26-29) but we did not know it, and "while we were [are] still in sin, Christ [God in flesh] died for us [our sins/crimes]."

So to that Pastor, I would send a note encouraging him to re-read what the Lord teaches us about wisdom in James chapter 3, "13Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. 16For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

17But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."

Our actions should be based upon the wisdom and compassion of God. While we are at liberty to judge the actions of others godly or ungodly, the condemnation for such actions do not lie with us as sinful people. Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." While He never denied the truth of the law, that all sin deserves death, he demonstrated that we are ALL under sin, and ALL deserve the same penalty. Only God, therefore can exact and retrieve the penalty for what's been done. But in His unfailing mercy and love, he instead paid the cost.

I pray that Pastor Jones realizes that in his exercise of his fully protected freedom to burn these books in protest, he may be violating the very ordinances of love and instruction that we as Christians have been given. I would like to remind him "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary: 'If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.' "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." - Romans 12:17-21 (Also see Leviticus 19:18; Proverbs 20:22; Jeremiah 51:36; Hebrews 10:30)

To my Muslim friends out there who may read know who you are. While we may respectfully disagree, be encouraged of my RESPECT for you and that of many others like me. I share my hope with you for I know no other name under the heavens by which a man's soul can assuredly be saved. I invite you to test Him, but you are welcome to reject Him. I will continue to work to combat the ignorance and abuse of scripture in my sphere of influence for all our sakes. I humbly ask you to do the same. As it says in my Bible in Romans 12:18 "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men." I know that the more we allow God to "lieth" within us, the more this will be possible.

May God richly Bless you, neighbors and friends. And peace be with you.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm a Total Spaz....

So HTML is how old and I don't know how to put a link in a side bar. I didn't think that I was totally out of touch with the people around me until today.

Anyway, for any of you FBookers and friends who stop by my website, take a look at the link below. I witty, zaney friend has a shot at a great gig with MTV if we can help. So rally the troops and click at will.

LiLu for MTV TJ

Thursday, June 17, 2010

RE: Untitled...much like my love life

So I was browsing around reading the thoughts of some people online, when I came the site of a young lady who suffered, or didn't, a breakup, or reunion...I don't know.

Below is my comment to this young woman. I hope that it is uplifting. Every good and noble woman is worth so much. And she shouldn't rely on a man to show her that.

You ought to consider holding him to his word and taking the time to focus on yourself and your needs. (MBA?)

He's clearly too wrapped up in his own needs to tend to yours. He's probably a fabulous guy, but he still may not be prepared for what you need. Fabulous guys don't always make fabulous partners.

But, you're back together now...that's great...but what does that really mean? How does it effect your decisions on a daily basis over a long distance? Do you avoid looking at other guys? Do start each sentence with "my boyfriend..."? Do you go to sleep each night pining wistfully while feeling the deep sense of incompleteness that only T can fill?

Being "in love" is a wonderful, sweet, and temporary sensation. But having love, being loved, being loving - these are investing in others without the expectation of entitlements and loving yourself with mercy. And these things are permanent and fulfilling, and won't have you wondering what you did wrong when an indecisive man accidentally, deliberately breaks up with you and then accidentally, deliberately gets back together with you.

I have read a few of your entries. I like your style of thought, and I think it's great that you have celebrated a 1 year blogaversary; but in the entries that I read, including this one, I don't see that you've over thought something before you've made a decision. Instead, you've mainly mulled over an outcome after someone else has made a decision for you.

i.e. "'T' isn't a guy who jumps to conclusions suddenly, he thinks things through very rationally. He didn't break up with me all of a sudden. He must have put a lot of thought into it. And I was the one who called him back looking for answers - what if I hadn't called? Would we still be broken up?" Um...yes you'd still be broken up...and as a guy I can tell you that he did want his space. He did want to break up, but he did NOT want to break your heart and hear you cry. And he made both decisions for you, first to break up, second to get back together.

Do you really want to go into the next phase of your relationship feeling like, "I wasn't good enough for him, wasn't supportive enough, or 'something-or-the-other' enough." Forgive him yes, but trust what your heart is saying to you.

Your man should love you, protect you, guide you knowing him, respect you, and be truthful to you; NOT leave you in limbo, skirt the issue, be mysterious, and change his word.

Heartache will be in store if you keep placing your heart in incapable hands. If you are serious about "finding undying love," then find a source of love that has always been and will never cease or fail to be. If you want "undying passion," find the a source of passion that gave rise to all emotion and was and is and will always be. Give your heart over to that kind of lover and be totally fulfilled.

Be courageous, and love yourself enough to settle for nothing less than the one who truly can satisfy all the needs you mention. But, sweetheart, you won't find that kind of relationship with any man on earth.

I have a feeling you are way more than just a girlfriend. Sometimes jerks come your way to help you figure this out.

Warm Regards.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Laws of Attraction, Theories of Relativity

*****I found some interesting insights on this page and the linked page. Thought I would share. My response is below. While I agree with almost everything, in theory, the comments shared give some cavalier approaches to the practice of relating that got me thinking. Maybe I am off base. Maybe not. What do you think?********

Gotta say that boardgames may not be the best analogy. Unless of course a line has already been distinctly drawn, as you mentioned. However, in what other way do we learn to share and grow if not by occasionally doing those things that please those we love – even at a bit of our own expense.

I confess I derive a great deal of satisfaction in seeing my partner pleased by my participation in something that costs me so little.

No I don’t mean that one should regularly sacrifice one’s dignity on the altar of a dating relationship at the expense of one’s own contentment. But what I question is this: in what is one actually finding one’s happiness? Is it Control? Image? Popularity? Comfort? Or are we willing to invest in relationships with other people and ride out certain ups and downs like a blue-chip stocks they are?

There is also an important thing to remember, if the man (or woman) you are with does not value him or herself enough without heels/ perfume/ makeup/ money/ cars/ suits/ whatever, he or she is never going to value him or herself with or without said accouterments.

I think it may be also fair to say that if you are with someone whose insubstantial self-pride and self-image carry more value than you and/or the relationship, there is more than a need for distrust, there is a necessity of evacuation.

I would also encourage stepping to the stone of skepticism and caution before leaping to the stone distrust. Distrust is a very difficult weed to uproot, and almost inexorably poisons to death the roots of an already flowered relationship. It also inhibits two people from openly communicating with the assumption that the other has their best interests at heart. And when the flower dies and is uprooted, each person is left only with a root of distrust lying in wait to strangle the next seed to germinate in the heart.

As for me…if she’s tall and long, or short and plump…more power! If she doesn’t want to talk to me, oh well. I know who I am and what I am worth, even if she can’t see it. :) Peace!

@ DC Darwin: if you can honestly say, that you have never once purchased something in a store simply because you saw and ad on TV and thought it was cool, then I may buy part of your argument. Then you can enjoy your pedestal above society. In truth, to say that society doesn’t influence is like saying the Holocaust never happened. Poor form.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Morning Comes Too Soon

blades of light shave sleep from my eyes
opening slowly while darkness dies
from behind closed lips my body cries
with sputters groans and muffled sighs

in the shade of daybreak reality lurks
as sinister as an Ottoman Turk
it grips my covers and with a jerk
drags my carcass back to work
sleep sticks stubbornly to my to my face
while war ensues for parking space
like mindless drones the coffee chase
invigorates the day's rat race

the cackling fluorescent light
deafens the eyes and murders sight
and hidden switches steal my right
to fight the flickering fiendish bright

a prisoner till work is done
time won't fly won't walk won't run
the clock tick mimics a cocking gun
that shreds the doors and slays the sun

now creeping crawling slinking home
the day a booming palindrome
but my sealy vixen lies alone
and summons me in sultry tone

the sack of darkness gobbles day
when up the walk i trudge my way
like marching through a bale of hay
to a devilish door that pulls away

the granite knob must yield to me
with strength revived my bones set free
to carry me in and there to see
the place where I have longed to be

the razor blades rest on horizons's shore
my carcass returns to peace once more
and like eagles overhead my covers soar
to engulf me and my vixen until morning's roar

groan and sputter

Friday, January 29, 2010

Personal Revelation

Recently I have learned the following truths; some discouraging, some enlightening, some encouraging:

A man's (or woman's) ways are right (and justifiable) in his (or her) own eyes - it doesn't make it good or just, but it might be legal.

Not everyone in church on Sunday is there for God's glory, in fact, most are there for their own.

Not everyone who cries Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, any questions see previous comment.

The people you love can lie to your face and then disrespect you and call you an idiot for believing them, but no matter what, love believes all things and never fails to be given. That's why lies hurt.

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man (or woman) because He is love, therefore He never fails to give of himself for our benefit and hope. People can't be implicitly trusted.

Even when the whole world hates you, and sometimes it will, God never leaves your side - no matter what the outcome happens to be.

All stones can spout flowers and fruit trees under the right conditions, even the ones around our hearts.

When ever your heart hurts really, really bad, two things are certain: 1) God feels it too; 2) God is still keeping more hurt away from you.

I knew all these words for the longest time, and knew what they meant. I could teach on them. But now I have understanding.

"Knowledge is a mighty thing to have in the hand, but I would trade it all if I could only understand." -- Author Unknown

Lots to think about today.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Interesting World This...

So, I am very new to blogging. I did it once before on MySpace, but I have been informed that reestablishing a blog on that site is not as respectable these days. On the other hand, this blogger world is pretty interesting. It is not the stories so much, or the random comedy, or the waste of space pages where people write poorly researched opinions. No, the unique and most interesting facet of this world is how I see people connecting and disconnecting in the real world.

Take for example the story of random cross country acquaintances coming together both physically and virtually all to cheer up friend whom many have never met.
People coming together to meet and greet and share common interests and fellowship. I love it.

Now let's take a look on the other hand. First, here's a little mood music.

How many times have walked down the street, sat in a pub, or fast food restaurant - been anywhere for that matter - and seen someone passionately pecking away at a blackberry, updating facebook or twitter or blog posts while they are in the presence of real physical company? I know that I have witnessed on more than one occasion the hapless crackberry addict deny his or her companions the benefit, privilege, and courtesy of their full attention.

It is with this in mind that I offer the follow suggested rules PDA Etiquette. Suggestions are welcome, but these are just my opinions:

At the Movies:
1) If your virtual friends are really following your tweets and messages, then they should know that you are in the theater. So send your updates about the coolness of the movie when IT'S OVER!

2) Your screen is bright and distracting. Just because you have turned off your ringer doesn't mean that you aren't disturbing the rest of the movie patrons. Show a little respect. And if you have to ask why, then refer to point #1.

3) Don't piss and PDA. If what you have to say is so important that it can't wait until you've finished in the bathroom after the movie is over, then stay outside let someone else have the stall ladies. Gentlemen, come on... You should know better. Keep your mind on your mop.

At Work:

1) Seriously...need I say more? At are at work, so WORK!

On a Date:

1) Now if you've gone it alone and the date starts to go poorly, send a text to your friend to bail you out. Don't post a tweet about how bad it's going. It shows poor judgment on your part both in choosing a date, and not having a real back-out plan before you started.

2) If your date ends up describing you to his friends as having, "the most beautifully chiseled black, shiny, square face," then you are not only holding your phone too high, but your are holding it too much. Put it down and look the guy in the face to make sure he's worth friending. Guys...if she's breathing and hasn't left yet, count your blessings.

Social Events:

1) Ladies, you are the masters of multitasking. We humbly bow to you and acknowledge your greatness, but do you really need to tweet, text, blog, and facebook from the dance floor or dinner table? For that matter, how do you do it with a drink in one hand and your little purse in the other? Some of your phones don't even fit in those little purses. Where are you keeping that ph...nevermind.

2) Gentlemen...I will say this once. YOU ARE NOT ASHTON KUTCHER! No one really wants to know what you are doing right this second. It's probably not that interesting. If it is you should be enjoying it!

Well, that is a concise list of the PDA abuses that bug me most. What are yours?

Again, I think it's great how people come together. But turn it off sometimes. Unplug! detoxify your senses so that you can practice connecting face-to-face in the real world without the acronyms and abbreviations. FTW!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


A game for those who seek to find...wait...that's probably copyrighted material and not the best way to start off a blogging relationship with you. So instead, allow myself to introduce...mys...sigh.

If you haven't realized it by now, I love movies, films, cinema (whatever you like to call it) and basically I am in love with entertaining. There is no greater joy than bringing great joy to others through laughter or drama. But while these things - and others yet to be revealed - indicate a margin my delightfully twisted character, let's talk about this blog is called Mixed/Other.

To answer this question I must tell you that I am Mixed/Other. I am he and he is me...or it is I? or...nevermind. M/O is my identity and my preferred race/ethnicity.

As a latch-key, mixed race youth brought up by interracial, mixed race parents and step parents, I found that I lacked the basic cultural proclivities that would allow me to blend seamlessly into one social construct or another. I speak no Spanish. I have light skin. I choose eloquence over Ebonics. I have dark curly hair. And not to put too fine a point to it, I am also a bit of a square - you know, a prudent, straight arrow who believes in goodness and accountability etc. etc. So I could never really hang with the bad boys. I never really fit in with the black people who felt I "talked too white." The white groups were always rather tentative to have me around, and the Latinos and I just couldn't relate. What's a lonely American high school student to do? Sing!

That's right - singing, performing, playing instruments, acting, debating. Taking part in activities where black and white related only to the colors of ink on the pages of music or script. It was through this prism of creativity that monochrome notes and words on the page scattered into colors of hope, love, peace, perseverance and joy, attracting each of his own color into and through the prism into a world of unity and fellowship. A world made just for all of us.

I digress.

As I grew and learned from my family, I began to understand that there was more to living in this country than being an easily categorized statistic. There was the art of being an American. There was the understanding that no matter what happened, no matter where I went, no matter what anyone else could ever try to persuade me to believe, I am an American, and I love my country and it's history for better or for worse. This is the land that my fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers fought and bled for, and none of them shared a common ancestry besides respect and pride for one another and his country.

This is the land that gave them a home. It was muddy hills in western South Carolina. The rivers of Richmond, Virginia. The hard winters of the Great Lakes. The tough streets of Brooklyn. The Cherokee lands of Georgia. The touch of this country on every root and branch of my family tree that is unlike that of ANY other country I know.

It's for that reason that I have always placed my allegiance and pride in the United States of America. Regardless of pitfalls and prejudices, we are unlike anything the world has ever seen.

So it has always been with a sense of pride - and comedy at the frustration my response will cause - that I mark everything from census and medical forms to employment applications and voter registration cards with a bold circle or check mark next to Mixed or Other. For to me, there is but one category that truly defines and encompasses me and various branches of my immediate family tree, and that is American.

Well, I am sure that by now I have splintered the soap box beneath the girth of my garrulity. So let me close by saying this: Welcome and God Bless!

You know something about me now, so let's hear from you. I can't wait to see what we learn from one another, and I'm especially eager to hear from more of you who mark off Mixed or Other.